Kube5G Platform


Cloud-Native Agile 5G Service Platforms.

Kube5G is an open source platform fostering the research and development (R&D) of cellular mobile networks, 5G and Beyond, in a cloud native environment. Kube5G platform allows you to deploy services on baremetal, virtual machine, and/or any private/public cloud. Kube5G uses Kubernetes as container orchestration for both applications and infrastructure. Inhereted from K8S, Kube5G can support both CNF and VNF applications, e.g. using docker and kubevirt as runtime environments respectiveley. Kube5G supports multiple extensions as value added functionalities, such as (i) management and orchestration (MANO) like OSM, (ii) monitoring and network intelligence like kubeflow, (iii) Kube5G-Operator to achieve zero-touch configuration and dynamic services updating/upgrading.

Mosaic5G introduces a novel design of a cloud-native network function as a set of nested layers that are reusable and loosely coupled across different applications. Such a layered design allows independent lifecycle management process to occur, and it is of paramount importance in cloud environment as it (i) minimizes application update/upgrade time during the CI/CD process, (ii) retains service continuity by keeping application data outside of the sandbox (stateless), (iii) exposes natively applications resources to other subsystems, such as an orchestrator through openAPI, and (iv) conforms with the CNCF principles for telco applications.

Kube5G Platform Architecture

Kube5G Platform Architecture


Rapidly develop new ideas, control applications and business needs

Service deployment and auto-pilot

With the help of Openshift Operator under Kubernetes (K8S) environment, Mosaic5G Operator automates the deployment of your services, upgrade, and (re)configure them. With the evolution of your service, you may need to upgrade the service, while servicing the users. This can be done easily using Mosaic5G Operator,thanks to auto-pilot features.

Native support of AI/ML

With the integration of Kubernetes with tensorflow through kubeflow, various AI/ML techniques could be applied for resource monitoring and optimization. After collecting data from the deployed network and analyze them, a decision of provision or preemption of resources to/from certain slice(s) can be taken.

Use Cases

Leverage Mosaic5G platform components to compose/tailor your network for a particular use-case.

Dynamic disaggregation and (re)aggregation

With Custom resources of Mosaic5G Operator, you can easily switch between monolithic base station (eNB) and functional split (CU-DU) and vice versa according to the incoming user traffic. Moreover, the core networks can also be deployed as monilithic, disaggregated to its entities (hss, mme, spgwc, and spgwu), or even reaggregated according to netwotk traffic


Zero Touch Configuration when deploying 4G/5G service. By using custom resource definition (CRD) kubernetes and Mosaic5G Operator, you will be able manage your services dynamically, e.g., upgrade/downgrade services, (re)configuration of the network, etc., which is the auto-pilot feature of Mosaic5G Operator.


Know more about the implementation, license, and how to install

Mosaic5G Operator

Mosaic5G Operator is a tool for deployment and managing Kubernetes applications. It is developed using Openshift Operator SDK. The current features for an openshift operator that are supported by Mosaic5G Operator are i) basic installation, ii) seamless upgrade, iii) lifecycle.

Docker Image and Compose

The Core network (CN) and Radio Access Network (RAN) of OpenAirInterface (OAI) is containerized using Docker, and they are already available on docker hub. Further, we also support FlexRAN as RAN controller and cassandra as Database with OAI. Additionally, we also provide docker-compose, through which you can deploy 4G/5G by just one commandline, which is available on Mosaic5G Kube5G


Access various related documentations


  1. Gitlab Wiki 2020-03-01
    deploy 4G network using docker
  2. Gitlab Wiki 2020-03-01
    How to deploy mosaic5g-operator


